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高科技,高品質 | JADEFU佳德福將亮相於5月AIFE亞洲食品展

by admin - 2024-03-20 46 Views



Always like this.For a drunken feast

When the cycle of all days is completed,

Any of us,raising a mug,

Unintentionally sheds a tear into

We're all exhausted.

Yeah,pretty exhausted

And so our voice follows you-

For cornflower blue and laughing eyes

Over an unhappy and foolish fate.

--Sergei Yesenin [October 1925]

Authoritative certification



JADE Vodka is the beginning of a new era of hard liquor drinks. Impeccable quality, freshness, ripeness and safety have become the new reality for lovers of Russian vodka. The product of nanotechnology, it reveals the philosophy of the future in the best possible way - continuous movement, renewal and high quality.

伏特加JADE是烈性酒飲料新時代的开始。無可挑剔的酒的品質、新鮮度、成熟的口感和安全性已成爲俄羅斯伏特加酒愛好者的新現實。納米技術的產物,它以最好的方式揭示了未來的哲學 - 持續運動、更新和高品質。

Four advantages



Multistage water mixing system

Mechanical cleaning with cartridge system; Removal of iron and other metal ions; Reverse osmosis(cleaning through membrane devices); Improve sensory indicators.



Use only natural ingredients

Vodka is based on "luxury" and "Alpha" spirits, made with high quality grain and specially filtered water that has been specially filtered and treated with activated carbon and silver. The water purified in this way does not contain harmful elements while retaining its natural taste. This gives the vodka a delicate aroma with a variety of flavors.

伏特加以“奢華 ”和 “阿爾法 ”烈酒爲基礎,採用優質谷物和經過特殊過濾和活性炭和銀處理的特殊制作的過濾水制成。以這種方式淨化的水不含有害元素,同時保留了其天然味道。因此伏特加獲得了具有多種風味的精致香氣。


Rich effect, healthy body

Fighting viruses and colds; Has diuretic properties, can remove excess water in the body, help fight swelling; An excellent antiseptic that enhances the properties of the drugs used with it; Treat fungal nail and skin infections, bad breath, throat irritation and headaches; Alcohol can increase blood pressure and eliminate negative consequences - dizziness, headaches; Stimulate appetite, regulate the production of gastric juice, normalize digestion; It is effective for psychological and emotional disorders, depression and insomnia. Minimize your risk of diabetes.

對抗病毒和感冒;具有利尿特性,可去除體內多余的水分,有助於對抗腫脹;一種極好的防腐劑,可以增強與之一起使用的藥物的特性;可治療指甲和皮膚的真菌感染、 口臭、喉嚨發炎和頭痛;酒精可以增加血壓,消除負面後果 - - 頭暈,頭痛;刺激食欲,調節胃液的產生,使消化正常化;對心理情緒障礙、抑鬱症和失眠症有效;最大限度地降低患糖尿病的風險。


Jadeite displays magical properties

Stone therapists (experts in natural gemstone therapy) believe that jade has beneficial preventive effects on the entire human body. In this case, the main therapeutic effects of the stone are aimed at:Diseases of the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system (as the mineral's name suggests); Headache, migraine; Diseases of the visual and auditory organs; Cardiovascular system normalization; Diseases of the digestive system, especially the liver, stomach and intestines; Internal cleaning; Sleep problems: nightmares and insomnia; The reproductive system, in particular to enhance its effectiveness; Mental disorders: neurosis, depression, stress.

石療師(天然寶石治療專家)認爲玉石對整個人體都有有益的預防作用。在這種情況下,石頭的主要治療作用旨在:腎髒和泌尿系統其他器官的疾病(正如礦物質的名稱所示);頭痛,偏頭痛;視覺和聽覺器官的疾病;心血管系統正常化;消化系統疾病,尤其是肝髒、 胃和腸道;內髒清洗;睡眠問題:噩夢和失眠;生殖系統,尤其提高其效力;精神障礙:神經症、抑鬱症、壓力。



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標題:高科技,高品質 | JADEFU佳德福將亮相於5月AIFE亞洲食品展
